During the first week of Christmas break, we decideed it was a good opportunity to take a short break from the project. One that would allow us to recharge and come back with fresh focus.

UCL Project Report Website

After learning that we were expected to be hosting a project report website, we quickly set up a static site using Jekyll and deployed it on to the UCL servers (without any content).

The ucl directory contains the source which we will use to generate the static site being deployed on UCL servers.

Since the UCL servers cannot build the Jekyll site, we need to manually build the site and then copy the generated site into the /cs/student/www/2020/group19/ directory on the UCL server. To streamline this process, we came up with the following workflow:

  • Run jekyll build in the ucl directory

  • Copy the contents in the _site directory over to /cs/student/www/2020/group19/ using scp.

      $ scp -r path/to/COMP0016_2020_21_Team19/ucl/_site/. UCLCSUSERNAME@csrw2.cs.ucl.ac.uk:/cs/student/www/2020/group19/