This week we finished our unit and integration testing suites, and touched up a few details in our codebase to allow our repo to become publicly visible and open source.



Since we recently conducted a major refactoring of our code base, we needed to rewrite several of our unit test cases. We also needed to add entirely new test cases for new methods and functionality.

After finishing our new unit testing suite, we are pleased to have achieved 97% statement coverage.



We also finished our integration test suite using Cypress.


We also decided to create new GitHub workflows to automate the integration testing, similar to our unit testing workflow.

To achieve this, we were able to use the Cypress GitHub action which runs the integration tests in headless browsers of our choosing. By default, this action supports testing on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. While we would have preferred to run our integration tests on all three of these browsers, since Microsoft Edge is not available on Linux, to run tests on Edge within GitHub Actions requires a self-hosted Mac or Windows runner. Consequently, we decided to go with Chrome and Firefox only and we feel this should be sufficient especially given that the newest version of Edge is based on Chromium and hence testing on Chrome should also cover the Edge case (pardon the pun).

Secrets and publicising the repository

Up until this week, we had kept our repo private as our code contained sensitive information, namely the Django production key, database credentials, and API keys which we use to facilitate Google SSO. We knew we could use GitHub Secrets to some extent to hide these keys, but our main concern was whether this would work with our continuous deployment flow. After doing some research, we found out we could use Docker secrets to allow us to achieve what we wanted.

Now, instead of hard-coding the sensitive tokens in our, we simply set our tokens as enviromment variables which we can access by using the os.getenv() method in Python. This requires us to make a local secrets/ folder which contains several files, each containing one of these tokens. We also had to add the following section to our docker-compose.yml.

    DB_USER_FILE: /run/secrets/db_user
    DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/db_password
    DEBUG: "True"
    EMAIL_HOST_FILE: /run/secrets/email_host
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/email_host_password
    EMAIL_HOST_USER_FILE: /run/secrets/email_host_user
    GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_FILE: /run/secrets/google_client_id
    GOOGLE_SECRET_FILE: /run/secrets/google_secret  
    SECRET_KEY_FILE: /run/secrets/secret_key
    file: ./secrets/DB_USER
    file: ./secrets/DB_PASSWORD
    file: ./secrets/EMAIL_HOST
    file: ./secrets/EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD
    file: ./secrets/EMAIL_HOST_USER
    file: ./secrets/GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
    file: ./secrets/GOOGLE_SECRET
    file: ./secrets/SECRET_KEY

Each time our container is built, an environment variable containing the path to the secret file is created.

For example, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_FILE has the value /run/secrets/google_client_id. We then use the following shell script within the container to create an environment variable called GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_FILE which has the value of the contents of the file.

set -e

file_env() {
   local var="$1"
   local fileVar="${var}_FILE"
   local def="${2:-}"

   if [ "${!var:-}" ] && [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
      echo >&2 "error: both $var and $fileVar are set (but are exclusive)"
      exit 1
   local val="$def"
   if [ "${!var:-}" ]; then
   elif [ "${!fileVar:-}" ]; then
      val="$(< "${!fileVar}")"
   export "$var"="$val"
   unset "$fileVar"


We can then access the secret in our code using os.getenv("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID").

This means we can commit our code to VCS, without ever exposing the secrets as long as the secrets/ directory is included in our .gitignore.

Next Steps

Given that we have presented our code to both our TA and Dr Yun Fu, we have now stopped working on development. Our efforts are entirely focused on finishing other deliverables like the report website within the time constraint.